The dismal haul contained which a cottage pie ready meal, a bag of Crop's frozen cauliflower gratin, a bag of frozen mash, a trio of cheeses, and a single triple chocolate chip brownie.
Nick Ball, from Bristol, took to TikTok on 6 February to rant about the products included in a Too Good To Go bag he'd recently purchased from Morrisons.
However, others criticised Nick's reaction to his haul, as one person wrote: 'You got a cafe bag they base it on the cost they sell the meals at not what it's worth in the store.'.
The following scene showed an exchange between Nick and a member of staff - who expressed she did not believe the bag is 'thirty quid's worth' - before the manager was ultimately called to assist in rectifying the issue.
The videos, which have collectively amassed more than 300K views, have since sparked a discussion among TikTok users.