And just when you think it can't get any more delightfully absurd, there's a History of Pubic Hair display featuring bathroom tiles embedded with actual pubes (good luck wiping those off) and, of course, a ball pit brimming with giant boobs.
Just when you think it can't get any more delightfully absurd, there's a History of Pubic Hair display featuring bathroom tiles embedded with actual pubes (good luck wiping those off) and, of course, a ball pit brimming with giant boobs.
What I wasn't expecting was a chic warehouse down a quiet backstreet in Collingwood, decked out in a way that looked more 'French boudoir' and less 'smutty Kings Cross sex shop'.
So, when I heard whispers of a museum in Melbourne designed entirely around desire, I had one thought: if this doesn't shake up the dating scene, nothing will.
It's called the Museum of Desire, and I'll be honest, I was expecting something a little smutty, slightly creepy and a bit like those dodgy sex toy shops you wonder into during a 'girls night'.