The beauty trends that scream 'no class': Elegance expert reveals the treatments you should never get

The beauty trends that scream 'no class': Elegance expert reveals the treatments you should never get
Published: Dec, 28 2024 14:14

A popular elegance expert has revealed the beauty trends that scream tack rather than taste and could 'ruin your appearance'. Anna Bey, a YouTuber who splits her time between London and Geneva, unveiled her top picks for 'worst beauty mistakes' - with eyebrow tattoos, veneers and chipped nail polish making the list.

 [Anna - who said she's 'pro surgery' - spoke on adult acne, an affliction she revealed she once suffered, and also said chipped nail polish 'cheapened one's appearance']
Image Credit: Mail Online [Anna - who said she's 'pro surgery' - spoke on adult acne, an affliction she revealed she once suffered, and also said chipped nail polish 'cheapened one's appearance']

Preened to the max in a stylish silk fuchsia shirt and barely there make-up - the lifestyle guru who 'helps women improve themselves' - listed the 'worst things' a person could do to their appearance. Citing dramatic makeovers like Michael Jackson and Katie Price, she said making similar choices would 'hold your flawless potential back' and claimed her tips could help turn things around.

 [Anna accused people of getting 'over bleached' veneers and opting for colours that were 'too white' (Stock image)]
Image Credit: Mail Online [Anna accused people of getting 'over bleached' veneers and opting for colours that were 'too white' (Stock image)]

Addressing her 1.84million subscribers, Bey started with 'poorly made' eyebrow tattoos or any facial tattoos such as lip liner, eye liner and lip tattoos. 'Eyebrows are so much in focus and take up quite a lot of space on your face' she said. 'Professionals might not understand the pigment they're using so the colour might end up being wrong for you or even completely distorted - such as turning yellow, or blue or green. And then you're like stuck with these green eyebrows.'.

 [She also said 'poorly made' eyebrow tattoos were a no no, as well as identikit facial procedures]
Image Credit: Mail Online [She also said 'poorly made' eyebrow tattoos were a no no, as well as identikit facial procedures]

The influencer said if the shape of the eyebrows wasn't 'suitable' for your face, or if they were too 'sharp' or not 'nice', it would be too late to change it up. 'This is a big mistake' she declared. Elegance expert Anna Bey (pictured) has revealed the beauty trends that she says are a huge no-no.

 [Anna spoke on the 'pandemic' of 'Instagram and FaceTune face' - what the expert claims are procedures done to the eyes, face and lips that make women all look alike. She said many women had tried to copy Kim Kardashian's look, for example]
Image Credit: Mail Online [Anna spoke on the 'pandemic' of 'Instagram and FaceTune face' - what the expert claims are procedures done to the eyes, face and lips that make women all look alike. She said many women had tried to copy Kim Kardashian's look, for example]


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