EE ranked higher, with 13 complaints per 100,000 customers, while TalkTalk topped the chart as the most complained-about broadband provider, with 14 complaints per 100,000 customers.
Mr Schuler wrote: "Complaints data published by the regulator Ofcom over recent months and years, and indeed our own data, has shown that some customers don't always get the fast and efficient support they expect.
"However, we can see that the main causes of complaints for this quarter were complaints handling, and faults with services or getting customers connected.
Commenting on Sky's performance, Chief Operating Officer Devesh Raj said: "Sky has received the fewest complaints in total to Ofcom across all categories out of all providers.
On a more positive note for TalkTalk, its pay-TV service was among the least complained-about, tying with Sky, while EE and Virgin Media received the highest number of complaints in this category.