Once a place where mainly gay men let loose, straight women and heterosexual are couples are now muscling in on the action of chemsex parties.
Like the one that says that women are 'naturally' monogamous, don't really enjoy sex and aren't interested in experimenting (stock image)] If it's a casual, impromptu invitation, you and like-minded friends will go back to a private place, take drugs and then have sex with each other.
The increase in women heading to chem sex parties marks an intriguing shift in how straight women are exploring their sexuality and breaking from traditional sexual narratives.
The increase in women heading to chem sex parties certainly marks a shift in how straight women are exploring their sexuality, but this particular trend comes with a huge warning.
Taking part behind closed doors at an alarming rate across London, a chemsex party is one where drugs like MDMA, GHB, ketamine or methamphetamine are taken to lower inhibitions and enhance sex.