Again, you can’t really go wrong with anything Lynchian, but Wild at Heart truly, well, f***s. Nicholas Cage and Launa Dern play hot criminals on the run in a caper that’s full of sex, speed metal, and shotguns.
These horror flics and erotic thrillers make ideal alternative viewing on Valentine’s Day, or any date night (as long as your boo can stomach something unsettling).
Directed by Jean-Jacques Beineix, Betty Blue follows the passionate affair between wannabe thirty-something writer Zorg and Betty, a 19-year-old young woman whose tendency to get a bit stabby with a fork belies a serious mental instability.
It’s a slyly feminist take on gender roles in romance and horror, with a high body count (both sexual and the other way; it doesn’t end well for the witch’s conquests).
If someone tries to get you to watch Fifty Shades of anything you should probably dump them, but if you’re truly down bad for your BDSM-curious bae then try converting them with Secretary from director Steven Shainberg.