Sabrina Kennedy was three years old when she saw her first spirit. Sitting in the bath, she asked her mother, Linda: ‘Who is that man behind you?’. Linda brushed the question off, but later, when Sabrina saw a framed picture of her great grandfather on the wall, she pointed to him and said: ‘That’s him.’.
Linda, who had adopted Sabrina when she was a baby, told her daughter that the man is in heaven, but the little girl insisted he was still here. That was when the spiritual floodgates flew open. As she grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, she became plagued by spirits, visions and premonitions Sabrina, 30, tells Metro.
‘I would see outlines of people. Or flashes or images of a person. Or I would hear them and then start to get visions. Even now, there will be times where I’m walking and I’m like, “Oh my God, not today” because I will see a full person that’s not there. But when I was really young and really open energetically, it would be full of people.
Sabrina – who was born near Salem (where the witch trials began in 1692) and classes herself as a witch, shaman and priestess – came to learn she had special abilities that most of us don’t. She now spends half of her time working as a musician (‘my physical 3D job’) and the other half as a psychic medium and clairvoyant (‘my spiritual or 5D work’).
‘As a child, I would be playing outside and I would tell my parents that I had been playing with a little girl. They would say: “There’s no little girl outside.” And it ended up being a child that had passed away in one of the houses next door.’.