Exact location in your home to put your thermostat to avoid unnecessary heating bills

Exact location in your home to put your thermostat to avoid unnecessary heating bills
Author: Rhiannon Curry
Published: Dec, 22 2024 20:00

ENERGY experts have revealed the best place to put your thermostat if you want your heating to work most effectively this winter. With money tight for many of us, it could really matter where you place the dial which monitors your home’s temperature.

 [The placement of your thermostat can affect bills]
Image Credit: The Sun [The placement of your thermostat can affect bills]

Ben Gallizzi, energy expert at Uswitch.com, said the placement of your thermostat is important because it determines how effectively your heating works, and when it turns itself on and off. If you have it in the wrong place, you may find your heating comes on when you don’t need it to, wasting energy and money.

“The best place for it is in the room that you use the most, as this is where you want to have the greatest control over the temperature,” he explained. This is likely to be your main living room, as it probably has the most stable temperature, rather than the kitchen where cooking can heat a room for a brief period.

“Try to avoid placing the thermostat in places that may distort the readings, such as close to a radiator or oven, or in direct sunlight,” Gallizzi advised. He also said you should avoid putting a thermostat in your hallway, as the temperature can be skewed every time the front door opens.

“This can mean the heating turns on because the hallway is cold, even though the rest of the house is already warm,” he pointed out. Another thing to think about is the airflow around the thermostat, to ensure that it gets an up-to-date reading of the current room temperature.


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