Filing for divorce on National Divorce Day? Here’s how to have a ‘good’ separation according to a lawyer
THE first Monday of the year when we return to work has been dubbed Divorce Day. It is reportedly the day when law firms see a significant spike in couples seeking advice or filing for divorce. Divorce lawyer Rachel Clarion, of Clarion Solicitors, spoke exclusively to Fabulous about the phenonemon and how to have a "good" divorce.
She pointed out recent research from the Ministry of Justice showing September having overtaken January as the most popular month to file for a divorce. However, the expert explained it is still not uncommon for couples to file after Christmas. "The Christmas season can be a challenging time for many families, even if they are happy," Rachel explained. "It is the time of year when emotions can run high.
"If there are children, a couple often feel they need to commit to one last Christmas together as a family and look to separation after the Christmas period. "This, together with pressures of hosting, travelling, and financial pressures, plus the desire to make a 'perfect' Christmas for children can push couples who are already struggling to a breaking point.".
The lawyer cited figures from the Office for National Statistics as she discussed the most common divorcee demographics. "While there’s no typical profile of person that files for divorce, couples over the age of 60 are the fastest-growing group," she said.