Gardening expert warns not to make 'common mistake' this month or risk 'disaster'
Gardening expert warns not to make 'common mistake' this month or risk 'disaster'
Gardens might look a bit bleak during the chilly months of January and February, with most plants lying dormant and trees stripped of their leaves. While eager gardeners might be itching to get started, it's crucial not to jump the gun with planting. A gardening expert has spilled the beans on the "most common mistake" that could ruin your future blooms and veggies. YouTube's very own Niall Gardens warns against sowing seeds too soon, which could lead to a "February disappointment" as they fail to thrive. "Don't let January enthusiasm lead to February disappointment. One of the most common mistakes that gardeners make this month is simply sowing their seeds too early," he advised.
"I know that it's really tempting when you see catalogues arrive or social media is buzzing with new season excitement. But here's the thing, daylight hours are still short and low light levels mean weak leggy seedlings - and seedling disaster. "Seeds sown too early often just result in plants that are desperate for light and warmth that they simply can't get indoors and this sets them up for stress and poor growth later on - if they survive at all.".
However, Niall also points out that there's no shortage of gardening tasks to keep you busy that don't involve seed planting, reports the Express. He advised: "While the garden might look sleepy, it's actually prime time to start ticking off jobs that are harder to do when everything is in full swing.". Niall recommends tasks like pruning, tidying up, cleaning tools, and fixing broken structures, noting "all these jobs are so much easier when plants aren't growing like mad things.".