Hugh Hefner had no idea how to please women – I felt trapped in the Playboy Mansion, says wife Crystal
Hugh Hefner had no idea how to please women – I felt trapped in the Playboy Mansion, says wife Crystal
CRYSTAL HEFNER has revealed that she was emotionally and financially abused by her husband Hugh who she said didn't care whether his bunnies were happy. The model, was just 21 when she first met the Playboy owner, who at the time was 81-years-old. After first being invited to the Playboy mansion as a guest, Crystal was selected to become one of Hef's girlfriends and in 2012 the pair wed, and stayed married until his death in 2017.
Crystal grew up in the UK, before relocating to the US with her parents at the age of eight. She went to school in San Diego, and she and her mum were left struggling for money after her father died when she was just 12. As Crystal became a teenager, she began to admire celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra and started to do modelling so that she could feel "powerful" and "beautiful" like them.
She quickly gained attention due to her stunning looks, and one day, a friend who she had made through modelling asked if she would like to submit a photograph to go to a party at the Playboy mansion. The model was very insecure and had imposter syndrome, but her photograph was immediately accepted.
Crystal dressed up in a maid's outfit for the party, and waited with dozens of other girls in a garage before being bussed into the mansion. After arriving at the mansion for the first time, the model was invited to join Hugh himself in his cabana. "Whatever Hef wants, Hef gets, so his security unclipped the rope and shuffled me in," she told Em Clarkson on the Should I Delete That? podcast.