'I've read over 200 books this year - here's my tips for reading more next year'

'I've read over 200 books this year - here's my tips for reading more next year'
Author: mirrornews@mirror.co.uk (Danielle Kate Wroe)
Published: Dec, 31 2024 08:00

It'll probably come up on many people's New Year's Resolution lists that they want to read more, but as with many other desirable resolutions, we struggle to find the time. That's why many people have a pile of books on their nightstand, only to pick one up, read a sentence, get a text from a friend, and then close the book until the following week. Where, surprise, surprise, we read one sentence, get a text, and so on and so on. We've all been there.

When I was at university studying Philosophy, you best believe I didn't pick up many books for pleasure. I was analysing Plato, Descartes, Locke, and Kant, and when I wasn't, reading for pleasure wasn't high up on my list of things to do. But with research proving that reading for just six minutes a day can improve our mental well-being, when I found myself in a job with a daily three-hour (sometimes even four-hour) train commute, picking up books for pleasure seemed like the logical thing to do.

I've loved books forever, but I needed something to help me rediscover that passion for them - and since then, each year, how much I've read has gone up and up. This year, I read 239 books. But I bet you're wondering how I got the time. Whether I just literally sit at home and read? The answer is, of course, no. However, there are some things you can implement if you want to read more in 2025.

I personally use Goodreads because its 90s interface is comforting and low-pressure. It reminds me of forums I used to write on as a kid, and it's just a quick and easy way to track what you've read with a star reading without desiring to do much else on the app.


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