Kanye West's bombshell brag about how much he's worth after losing $2billion in one day Kanye West bragged about his whopping net worth on social media a few years after losing billions of dollars in one day.
A few years ago, Ye claimed he was 'months away' from declaring bankruptcy after losing $2billion in one day when Adidas ended their partnership with Yeezy.
Kanye collaborated with Adidas to create the Yeezy line, which significantly boosted Adidas' sales and brand image.
Over a plain white page, the text wrote: "In 2025, Kanye's net work stands at $2.77billion US as confirmed by Eton Venture Services.
Last year, he shelled out millions on some advertising space during the Super Bowl, and he later took to social media to say it paid off as he gained $19million in sales.