With 460 holiday packages available for less than 28 days' rent, couples can enjoy a month-long stay in Turkey for £892.16 - saving £166.44 compared to average UK rent.
Man swaps UK flat for all-inclusive hotel for a month - because it's cheaper A savvy bloke ditched his monthly rent for a month-long jolly after clocking it was cheaper to jet off than pay up for his Manchester pad.
Turkey has topped the list as the most affordable holiday destination, with a 28-night stay costing 15% less than a month's rent in the UK.
After comparing rents from the UK's top 50 cities against over 31,000 holiday packages, they've dished out the details on primo spots where a 28-night stay is a steal compared to renting, reports the Express.
In a TikTok clip, he showed himself trawling through On The Beach holiday deals, stumbling upon a lush Turkish resort that undercut his rent.