On top of this he admitted pursuing a course of abusive behaviour towards her between April 2019 and April last year when he shouted and swore at her, called her names, prodded her on the head with his fingers, pushed her onto a bed and subjected her to excessive text messages and calls.
Man tried to kill his wife by 'driving over her twice' and left her with horrific injuries A man drove over his wife twice leaving her with horrific injuries after claiming she had "embarrassed" him, a court heard.
The 62-year-old admitted assaulting his spouse on April 14 last year to cause her severe injury, permanent disfigurement and impairment and to the danger of her life and attempting to murder her, when he appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh on January 6.
Budge also pleaded guilty to assaulting the victim on a previous occasion between April 2016 and April the following year, when he put his hands around her throat.
William Budge, from Edinburgh, drove his car straight at Sandra Budge, who had left him, colliding with her and then he returned to hit her again.