This week, Lulzim Sinimati, 27, and Fatos Kertolli, 36 were caged for 10 years respectively for the frenzied assault at around 3am at Bar 42, in Peterborough, on July 20.
Footage snapped Sinimati, wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, drinking with pals outside the bar before throwing hands at the victim who was inside.
"Both men claimed they acted in self-defence, however footage showed them viciously assaulting one victim in a sustained attack," Detective Constable Dylan Lenton said.
Cops released blood-curdling CCTV footage of the moment the men launched the brutal attack on the victim last summer - leaving him with a bleed on his brain.
Kertolli was jailed for five-and-a-half years, while Sinimati, seen smirking in his police mugshot, was sentenced to four-and-a-half years at Cambridgeshire Crown Court.