Monster Hunter Wilds hands-on preview – Capcom take over the world GameCentral gets to play Capcom’s next evolution of Monster Hunter, featuring the return of a classic arachnid.
Monster Hunter Wilds, based on a six-hour hands-on session, feels like it’s trying to find an agreeable middle ground between the two – and it might just be the most accomplished Monster Hunter experience yet.
In Monster Hunter Rise, a side-step sequel to World, the big gambit for new players was the faster Wire Bug movement system and Palamute mounts, with both serving as a way to cut down on the trudge between its set piece battles.
Monster Hunter’s recent entries have always felt epic in scope during battles, but Wilds feels like it’s determined to leave a much bigger impression from the start.
It’s still Monster Hunter’s bread and butter at its core but dressed in ways where it feels like a traditional story campaign, rather than just a sequence of quest board hunts.