My man’s told DAILY he’s the image of Harry Styles but it was the nurses when I gave birth that really took the biscuit
A WOMAN has revealed how her husband's likeness to Harry Styles even caused some hilarious comments when she was in the hospital giving birth. Tina revealed that her other half gets compared to the Golden singer on a daily basis. In a video on her TikTok page, Tina responded to someone who had commented on a previous post: "Really random but has anyone ever told you that your husband looks like Harry Styles?".
"This isn't a random comment," Tina laughed. "Cameron gets compared to Harry Styles all the time. "All the time, people just say this to him!". But it was when she heard the nurses in the hospital where she had given birth to son Elijah likening Cameron to an "older Harry Styles" that Tina couldn't stop laughing.
"The best one was yesterday, when one the nurse that was looking after Elijah the past couple of days was talking to us," Tina continued. "And she was like, 'I just had to let you know, you know, a few of the nurses were talking and we just think that he looks like an older Harry Styles!'.
"So first off we were laughing cause we were like, okay, yeah, he gets Harry Styles all the time. "But then she left and I just sat there and I went to Cameron, she said you look like an older Harry Styles. "We've never got that before!". What makes the situation even more hilarious is that Harry, 30, is actually older than her husband.