Only people with razor-sharp vision can spot dog hidden in the snow
Only people with razor-sharp vision can spot dog hidden in the snow
A Reddit user has invited others to take part in a brainteaser that encourages participants to find their dog in a snowy photo. Acidelephant posted a snap of a path covered in snow lined by leafless trees with snow on the branches to the FindTheSniper subreddit. They gave participants the challenge of seeking out their dog hidden in the picture.
The user simply wrote “find my dog” alongside the snowy snap and rated the brainteaser as difficult. Brainteasers are an excellent way to keep your mind active, using mental effort to focus on one specific task. Many people use brainteasers and puzzles like this as a fun way to keep their mind active. These types of games can exercise your brain, which proponents say can improve attention span and concentration levels.
Ready? Give it a go below!. The brainteaser did prove to be difficult for Reddit users who took part. One said: “My eyes can not make out the dog.”. Another added: “I can’t for the life of me figure this out. I think I see a dog to the right edge of the path where the paw prints end. However my wife and I think different features are dogs. This is super hard mode!”.
A third participant commented: “Yo. Even with the prints that was hard work. Almost gave up and found the pooch by accident”. Struggling to find the dog too? Some users gave clues. One user hinted: “Off the right side of the trail.” Another said: “Middle right. 95% to the edge.” A second echoed: “3 o’clock right side of screen middle.”.