Only people with 'eyes of a sniper' can spot snow leopard hiding on rocks
Only people with 'eyes of a sniper' can spot snow leopard hiding on rocks
A puzzle fan has invited social media users to take part in a brainteaser that involves finding a snow leopard hiding in a photo of some snowy rocks, but it's proving to be more difficult than anticipated. It's important to keep your mind active throughout the day, and one way to do this is by completing challenging brainteasers. And what better day to give this a go than National Puzzle Day, which falls today (January 29)?.
Brainteasers are puzzles, questions or problems that require mental effort to solve and are designed to stimulate cognitive processes, including critical thinking, problem-solving and lateral thinking. They come in different forms such as riddles, logic puzzles, maths problems and trying to find things hiding in photos.
Just like domestic cats, wild cats such as snow leopards are good at finding hiding spots – even when there appears to be nowhere to hide. Usually found in the mountains of central and south Asia, snow leopards have adapted to their rocky environment, with the colour of their fur perfectly blending in to the surroundings and allowing them to virtually disappear into the landscape.
One internet user took to the Find the Sniper forum on Reddit to challenge others to find the wild snow leopard hiding in a photo of some rocks. Ready to take on the challenge?. Are you able to spot it? This photo has been going around the internet for a while, but people are still shocked when they realise how well snow leopards can hide.