Simple sleep trick helps you feel fresh for hours – and it takes 20 minutes
Struggling to catch those Z's?. You're not alone. It turns out a third of Brits are tossing and turning with insomnia, battling the night away trying to drift off or waking up at all hours. And when you're glaring at the clock in the early hours, knowing your alarm is set to go off soon, it's nothing short of maddening.
The next day, expect to be dragging yourself around, feeling anything but refreshed, with irritability and lack of focus as your unwanted sidekicks. But there's good news on the horizon. A mindset coach has come forward with a nifty 20-minute trick that promises to leave you feeling rejuvenated even on minimal sleep. Over on TikTok, Her Mindset Lab – a platform dedicated to empowering women to chase their dreams with guts and gusto – the coach said: "If, like me, you didn't have enough sleep, but can't really afford to go to bed for hours because you've got commitments to attend, try this.".
According to the entrepreneur, it's called Non-Deep Sleep Rest, or yoga nidra, and you can find videos on YouTube on how to do it properly. But she explained: "For 20 to 30 minutes you're listening to someone while you're relaxing, lying down, and it's incredibly restorative. Some even claim that it is equivalent to four full hours of sleep.
"Although I believe that's a little bit of an exaggeration, it gives you an idea of how restorative it can be. According to Shelby Harris, director of sleep health at Sleepopolis, yoga nidra is "a guided meditation rooted in ancient yogic traditions that follows systematic relaxation process, putting us in a very relaxed state that is somewhere between awake and asleep".