Sleep expert reveals real reason you keep waking up at 4am
If you're often snapping awake at the dreaded 4am, peering into the pitch black with a mix of frustration and intrigue, it could be down to more than just an annoying quirk in your sleep routine. It might seem a simple habit, but the truth is that there might be an underlying cause worth paying attention to.
Lisa Artis, deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity, which has collaborated with Simba mattresses, has this to say about our sleep cycles: "We start to experience less deep sleep after around four to five hours." This shift to lighter sleep stages often leads to us waking up.
For those hitting the sack at 11pm, being jolted awake at 4am can become an all-too-familiar occurrence, with various factors playing into these untimely wake-up calls, reports Surrey Live. The critical role hormones play in the way we sleep cannot be overstated.
"Sleep is guided by our internal clock or circadian rhythm. One of the most significant and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle," Lisa adds. "Sleep is regulated by the levels of two hormones: melatonin and cortisol, which follow a regular 24-hour pattern. Melatonin helps you fall asleep, while cortisol aids in waking you up and keeping you alert.".
By keeping an eye on these hormone levels, you might just be able to sidestep those nocturnal disruptions. To stave off middle-of-the-night wakefulness, Dr Mariyam H. Malik, a GP at Pall Mall Medical, suggests cultivating peaceful pre-sleep routines: "Engage in calming activities before bedtime, such as reading, listening to soothing music, or practising relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation.".