Pickle mayonnaise, pickle hummus, pickle cookies, pickle gummies.
Or perhaps it was just a couple weeks ago, when Instagram chef itsmejuliette (no stranger to online pickle activities) posted a cheeky challenge on her “cooking with no rules” feed: “this is your sign to surprise your neighbor with a pickle wreath.” More than 70,000 people liked her style, or at least her post.
At the intersection of health and edginess, traditionalism and hipsterism, global culture and the American stomach, the pickle in 2024 found itself caught in a mealstrom of words like “viral” and “trending” just as its food-as-fetish-object cousins — bacon and ranch dressing, notably — experienced in years past.
Heinz), a summer festival called Picklesburgh that draws aficionados of the sour and the puckery from several states away for copious amounts of pickle beer washed down by brine, or vice versa.
Corn puffs colored and flavored like pickles and called, naturally, Pickle Balls.