The fastest growing jobs in the UK include AI engineers, interpreters and tour guides
Home health aides rank second on the list of jobs on the rise in the UK. New research conducted into the biggest trends in the UK jobs market has shown a rapid rise in the availability of roles in artificial intelligence - but don’t worry if that’s not yet an area of expertise or interest for you, as several legacy careers are still surging too.
LinkedIn analysed job postings across a three-year period and new roles started by their members to calculate growth rates, including those which are essentially the same job but have different titles, such as “professor” and “lecturer”. That role made No.19 on the list, incidentally.
While volunteer or internships were excluded from counting towards the totals, jobs of different seniority levels were grouped to give a better idea of roles which are on the rise. Additional details were provided on the research including, where available, on gender distribution, hybrid working potential, top hiring locations and, interestingly, the roles that successful applicants transitioned from, giving a good insight into transferable skills for modern-sounding jobs.
Other modern thematic roles on the list included data governence managers and energy officers, while specialist mechanical or financial jobs also featured heavily. Pilots remain in demand, 13th on the list, while plenty of opportunities seem to be in place for radiation therapists (also referred to as radiographers) and aircraft mechanics - but it’s not all about narrow fields of study.