Overall, 17.1% of the UK’s machinery and transport equipment exports in 2023 went to the US, along with 15.9% of exports of beverages and tobacco, 5.2% of exports of food and live animals and 5.1% of exports of fuel.
Unpacking the UK's trade deals with the US - we reveal what they are worth The United States is a key trading ally for the UK, responsible for nearly a quarter of chemical exports and almost a third of crude oil imports.
What is imported Machinery and transport equipment also made up the largest chunk of goods imported to the UK from the US in 2023, at £19.9bn, followed by fuel (£18.7bn) and chemicals (£7.8bn).
Nearly a quarter (23.6%) of all the UK’s exports of chemicals went to the US in 2023, with the figure even higher for organic chemicals (27.8%), and medicinal and pharmaceutical products (33.9%).
The top commodity exported by value was medicinal and pharmaceutical products, raking in £8.8bn of US exports, followed by cars (£6.4bn), mechanical power generators for intermediate sale (£5.2bn), organic chemicals (£2.8bn) and scientific instruments for sale as capital goods (£2.8bn).