Roses are undoubtedly the most popular bouquet of choice on Valentine's Day, but they can still pose a risk to pets (stock image).
As Valentine's Day approaches, certain bouquets can spell trouble for your furry friends as they can be highly toxic, according to a leading vet (stock image).
Roses are undoubtedly the most popular bouquet of choice on Valentine's Day, but they can still pose a risk to pets.
Taking to TikTok, South African vet Amir Anwary, advised potential pet owners to think twice about which dog they choose to become the next member of their family - urging them to be wary of some popular breeds.
According to McCormack, daffodils contain lycorine and other harmful compounds, which can cause severe symptoms like abdominal pain, low blood pressure, arrhythmias, and diarrhoea if ingested.