WhatsApp adds secret ‘emoji codes’ that unlock festive feature when you use them – full list revealed in surprise update

WhatsApp adds secret ‘emoji codes’ that unlock festive feature when you use them – full list revealed in surprise update
Author: Sean Keach
Published: Dec, 20 2024 15:32

WHATSAPP has upgraded the app with a secret emoji feature that's only available for 15 days. After that, the festive surprise will vanish from the app for good. WhatsApp says that for a limited time, reacting with select emoji will trigger a special animation.

 [WhatsApp is rolling out a major New Year update]
Image Credit: The Sun [WhatsApp is rolling out a major New Year update]

The upgrade is meant to help you "celebrate New Years on WhatsApp", with the app maker saying it will add "a little extra excitement to holiday conversations". There are five emoji that can trigger a special animation between December 20 and January 3.

 [You can react with these five emoji to trigger a special New Year chat effect]
Image Credit: The Sun [You can react with these five emoji to trigger a special New Year chat effect]

If you react with any one of them, it'll cause a confetti animation to appear. This will show up for both the sender and recipient of the reaction. The list of emoji that support the feature include:. If you can't get it to work, make sure that you've updated your app.

You can check for WhatsApp updates in the Apple App Store on iOS for iPhone or the Google Play Store on Android. Just react with one of the emoji to trigger the effect. To do that, hold down on a message that you've received. Look for the emoji panel that pops up and then press the plus (+) icon on the far-right.

You can then scroll down through the list to find the emoji that you're looking for. Alternatively, you can just type the emoji's name into the search bar that pops up. That's not the only new perk coming to WhatsApp in the New Year update. Meta, which owns WhatsApp, is adding "NYE calling effects" for your video calls.


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