Best room in the house for a peace lily plant - and how to care for it
A beautiful peace lily, known for its distinctive white petal-like spathes that stand tall above glossy green leaves, can unfortunately turn brown if it's not happy. "Very dry air can cause leaf browning," warned the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). To ensure your peace lily blooms beautifully, the best place in your home for it is the bathroom. Peace lilies thrive in consistently warm and moderately humid environments, making the bathroom an ideal spot.
Patch Plants also confirmed that a peace lily "will survive in most light conditions", so don't worry if your bathroom lacks natural light. However, remember to water your peace lily as dehydration will cause it to droop. It prefers rain water over tap water and will perk up once hydrated. The RHS advised: "Mist plants regularly or stand them on a tray of damp gravel. Be careful not to overwater as the roots can rot if the compost is damp for long periods.".
Since peace lilies prefer humidity, avoid placing them near radiators or cold draughts, reports the Express. While peace lilies are stunning, they are also poisonous and should be kept out of reach from children and pets. "Also wear gloves when handling them, as the sap can cause skin irritation," the RHS cautioned. Come spring, feed your peace lily every fortnight until autumn to keep it content.
Bloom and Wild highlighted an extra feature of the beautiful peace lily. It's not just a treat for the eyes, but it also boasts air-purifying properties. Excellent at filtering out harmful toxins in the air, the peace lily houseplant can be revived if it starts to wilt. Any brown leaves need pruning, which could indicate too much direct sunlight or overwatering, making it easy to fix.