Britain's happiest workers: Find out where your area ranks in the list

Britain's happiest workers: Find out where your area ranks in the list
Author: (Graham Hiscott)
Published: Jan, 22 2025 14:46

South West England is the best place in the UK to work, new research claims. The region - home to Bristol, Bath and Exeter and extending down to Cornwall - was ranked top for “fulfilling, financially rewarding, long-term employment”. Next was Greater London and then the North West. Bottom was Yorkshire and Humber, followed by Northern Ireland.

The research was compiled by pensions giant Phoenix based on research among 6,000 working adults and data from the Office for National Statistics. The South West came out top for job satisfaction, and was also judged highly for financial security. Nearly eight out of 10 workers in the region also said they were happy with options for job flexibility.

London had the highest placing for financial security and career progression, but didn’t do as well for people’s confidence in their long-term employment. Scotland emerged as the region where workers felt safest in their jobs long-term. More than half of those questioned north of the border were also confident they could stay in work until retirement.

Catherine Foot, director of think tank Phoenix Insights, said: “Good quality, satisfying jobs matter to people of all ages, and better employment opportunities across the country are vital to drive the economic growth our country sorely needs. To do this we need better provision and access to public employment support services.

“Crucially, we must also ensure local areas have greater powers to design and target the employment and skills support that people need, working closely with local employers, health and housing providers. Otherwise, we risk using top-down solutions that don’t meet the range of needs across the UK.”.


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