British woman falls 500ft to her death while rock climbing in Spain A woman has reportedly died after falling some 500ft from a rock climbing area in Málaga, Spain.
This pic:El Chorro Mountain-Accident scene *SOLARPIX COPYRIGHT WAVER NOTICE** The above fees are for the suppling these internet/web sourced images & videos only and Solarpix accept no responsibility for any breach of copyright, the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion.
- NO PRICE CAP** **FULL COPY BY NATALIA PENZA** -TEL: +34 659 567 821** JOB REF:23013 A/NPZ/SM DATE:11.01.2025 Caption: A BRITISH woman has reportedly died after suffering a fall as she climbed in the famous El Chorro mountain area near Malaga.
Described as an ‘amusement park’ for rock climbers with thousands of paths along the limestone crags, the two mountaineers were in the Swiss Sector of the Arabic Staircase when they decided to return home.
The pair had been hiking all day near the rural village of El Chorro, one of the most popular rock-climbing attractions in Spain.