Jamie Oliver's turkey stew recipe is 'super easy' way to use Christmas leftovers If you still have half a turkey in your fridge, this is your sign to do something with it.
And if stew sounds like exactly what you're after during this post-Christmas slump, then there's even more good news - Jamie Oliver has the perfect recipe for leftover stew with homemade dumplings - and it takes just over an hour to make.
We all know the feeling: you've had a delicious Christmas dinner, several turkey sandwiches, and maybe even a few plates of cold meat, chips and pickles, but you've still got so much meat left to use up.
It seems like the most popular way to get rid of leftover turkey is to throw it into a curry, and while this is delicious, it can get a bit boring if you do it every year.
A post on Reddit calling for inspiration on what to do with leftover turkey garnered multiple replies from people recommending tasty dishes like tacos, pies, and even salads.