DWP issues new Cold Weather Payments for 51 postcode areas - use our map to see if you're due £25
The DWP has triggered new Cold Weather Payments for people living in 51 postcode areas. Around 95,000 eligible households in these regions will receive a £25 payment towards the extra cost of heating their homes during the current cold snap. The new payments will cover 45 postcode areas around West Yorkshire, including Bradford, Halifax, and Huddersfield, and extend into parts of East Lancashire, including Burnley.
Eligible households in another six postcode districts in North Yorkshire and County Durham will also receive the payments. The latest payments were triggered by a seven-day period of subzero weather in these areas which started on January 4 and extends until Saturday.
The full list of new postcodes are:. A total of more than 100,000 households have been eligible for Cold Weather Payments this winter so far. Previously two separate payments totalling £50 were made to around 10,000 households in 18 postcode areas in Cumbria and Northumberland.
A further eight postcode areas in Northern Ireland have also received a single £25 Cold Weather Payment under a similar separate scheme which is operated by the Northern Ireland Executive, and not the DWP. These postcode areas are:. Cold Weather Payments are made to people in England and Wales who receive a range of benefits. A separate scheme is operated in Northern Ireland along similar lines but in Scotland the support for heating bills is paid every winter and not linked to specific spells of cold weather.
There are an estimated 3.9 million people eligible for Cold Weather Payments under the DWP scheme and of these 1.2 million are in receipt of Pensions Credit. Last year there were 364,000 payments made across England and Wales at a total cost of £9.1 million. In some areas of Cumbria, the Cold Weather Payments were triggered three times during separate spells of freezing weather last winter, meaning eligible recipients were paid £75 in total.