I never run my heating in the winter as it’s too expensive – but I still manage to stay warm & my £1 hack really helps

I never run my heating in the winter as it’s too expensive – but I still manage to stay warm & my £1 hack really helps
Author: Leanne Hall
Published: Dec, 22 2024 14:13

A SAVVY man has shared how he keeps his energy bills down even in the winter. Bradley, from the US, took to social media to show off his hacks to keep warm without spending a penny. Brad lives in Conneticut and says it is one of the most expensive states for energy bills so does what he can to keep the cost down.

 [Brad shared his hacks to keep warm without putting the heating on]
Image Credit: The Sun [Brad shared his hacks to keep warm without putting the heating on]

He said: "I don't run my heat in the winter to save money on my electric bill. "So welcome to another episode of Extreme Cheap Skates where I show you, as a frugal person, the steps that I take to keep my electric bill low.". "I've been living like this for five years since I moved into my apartment," he added.

 [His frugal lifestyle had helped him save thousands]
Image Credit: The Sun [His frugal lifestyle had helped him save thousands]

The first hack he recommended was having lots and lots of blankets available and putting them on your bed to keep toasty at night. He also recommended wearing plenty of layers during the day to keep warm and opening the blinds or curtains to let the sun in and warm up his flat.

Brad often cooks at home to save money, and he revealed that he used the hot stove to keep his fingers warm afterwards. To deal with draughty windows, Brad uses a roll of sticky tape and places it over the cracks in the window. The savvy hack will keep cold air out and costs just £1.

He added: "This next one, you'll say I'm crazy, but sometimes I wedge my door open with my little recycling box, and I'll try to let the heat in from the hallway.". During the nighttime, Brad follows a different routine to keep warm. He said: "I lay this blanket along my window just to keep it insulated.


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