Pokémon TCG Pocket players praise Mythical Island with powerful Celebi EX deck that destroys the competition

Pokémon TCG Pocket players praise Mythical Island with powerful Celebi EX deck that destroys the competition
Author: Georgina Young
Published: Dec, 17 2024 14:19

TCG Pocket has just launched its latest expansion, Mythical Island, featuring 86 new types of cards. Our Mythical Island full deck list shows that there are five new powerful EX cards, as well as 16 full-art cards, and a Mew EX immersive art. However, there is one new card from TCG Pocket Mythical Island that players have their eyes on, and they think will be strong in online battles.

 [Mythical Island is TCG Pocket's latest booster expansion]
Image Credit: The Sun [Mythical Island is TCG Pocket's latest booster expansion]

Celebi EX has drawn the attention of fans as it has the potential to be the most powerful card in the game. Celebi’s attack Powerful Bloom allows you to flip a coin for every Grass energy you have attached. For every heads that you land, you deal 50 damage to your opponent, which has the chance to knock them out very quickly.

 [Celebi EX is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the new set]
Image Credit: The Sun [Celebi EX is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the new set]

This can be difficult as you only get one energy per turn, but there are a number of ways to increase this. Every time Lilligant attacks, it can add one energy to a Pokémon on the bench, already doubling your energy output. When combined with Serperior’s Jungle Totem ability you get to attach two Grass energy instead of one to each Grass-type Pokémon.

 [And it works well with Serperior's Jungle Totem ability]
Image Credit: The Sun [And it works well with Serperior's Jungle Totem ability]

The deck is also very flexible and you could replace Celebi for Venusaur EX if you want a more consistent deck. Here’s the Celebi EX and Serperior deck list that we recommend:. If you want to read more about the game, check out the latest TCG Pocket Premium rewards.


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