Dads reveal the weirdest viral fashion trends of 2024 - while their daughters make fun of their fashion sense
Women on TikTok are sharing the fashion trends their dads have mercilessly mocked, from contour tops to fanny packs. New York based content creator Aviva Mehta shared a TikTok with her 13,000 followers and explained, 'If you've wondering if something's a microtrend or if it actually looks good, just ask you dad.'.
The viral video quickly received 387,000 likes and 1,340 comments. Aviva recalled wearing an Aritzia contour top when it was popular in front of her father, who asked why she was wearing a swimsuit. 'It's like I could finally see them for what they were and I literally never wore them again,' Aviva explained.
Daughters flocked to the comments to share the 2024 trends their dads hated the most. Dads poked fun at chunky sneakers, claw clips, and matching sweatsuits. One young woman said her father hated the crossbody craze, and told her she looked like she was wearing a seatbelt when she put on a fanny pack.
Women on TikTok are sharing the fashion trends their dads have mercilessly mocked, from contour tops to fanny packs. One young woman said her dad hated the crossbody craze, and told her she looked like she was wearing a seatbelt. Many used the viral video's comments section as a chance to poke fun at what their own dads wore, including 'basketball shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and camo Crocs'.