Family slams Quality Street 'shrinkflation' after annual count reveals shocking changes
A chocolate sleuth family claim Quality Street has fallen victim to "shrinkflation" after tracking the decrease in size over two decades. Penny Melson, 26, says her family has been monitoring the changes to the £6 box of treats annually at Christmas. They believe that the tin has halved in quantity but doubled in price and say the difference is "abysmal.".
During the festive period, the family sits down and counts the number of sweets. Following their detailed breakdowns, Penny claims there were 137 sweet treats inside their Quality Street tin in 2006. The TikToker compared this to 119 chocolates in 2009, 84 in 2016 and ending with 2024's count of a mere 67.
Penny shared their results on social media as she held sweet brand, Nestle, to account. Despite witnessing the apparent changes, Penny and her family still purchase a new tub at Christmas as it has become part of their tradition. Penny's TikTok has 700,000 views with users thanking her family for carrying out the "public service".
Penny said: "Every year we have noticed a decline [in sweets] but it hasn't stopped us from buying them every year! I hope other families start to count the Quality Street. Perhaps it will encourage Nestle to increase the tin sizes. I think four orange chocolate crunches in this year's selection was abysmal.
"We would have been counting a few years before 2006 but I know from the first count we truly enjoyed it. As my name is Penny, I was in charge of the Toffee Penny, which ironically is probably my least favourite chocolate today. The reaction [to my post] has blown our minds. I have seen small things here and there about Quality Street 'shrinkflation' but never did I expect it.".