If you want to age like fine wine then you need to include a 10p ingredient into your diet – it’s nature’s Botox
WE all want to hold onto our youthful appearance for as long as possible. But with a world full of potions and lotions, and endless skincare hacks and tips, it may be difficult to know where to start. So it’s great to know when they have been tried and tested.
Zara, a holistic healer, has luckily done so. She has revealed a few tricks that she has tried herself and is sharing them on her TikTok account ‘theneptunianbaby.’. She explained that if “you want to age like fine wine and have clear, glowy skin,” then she recommends a number of herbs and foods that you should be taking.
Her first recommendation is including berries in your diet. She says: “Berries are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, which is going to help rid the cells of free radicals. “Not only that, it's actually going to help bring oxygenation and oxygen to the cells.
"Because a lot of the time we are ageing because we are not getting enough oxygen around our cells or into our cells. “That is why we are ageing and that is why we look like dried-up raisins. We're not hydrating and we're not bringing oxygen and life to the cells.”.
Her second tip is including mushrooms like chaga and reishi as these can “actually help with anti-ageing and can give you the botox-looking effect.”. She continues: “Chaga actually has a compound that is very similar to melanin. “So if you're someone that doesn't actually have melanin, like a lot of melanin in their skin, or you're just looking for something that's going to help protect your cells against free radicals, you need mushrooms.