10 questions you should be able to say ‘yes’ to if you’ve found The One
So you think you’ve found the person of your dreams and you want to stay with them forever?. Well it’s time to put that love to the test. Licensed professional counsellor Jeff, known as Therapy Jeff on TikTok, recently re-shared 10 questions that he says you should be able to answer ‘yes’ to, if you’re truly compatible.
The questions, which featured in his most popular video of 2024, are designed to see whether you could truly last in your couple until death do you part. They’re also a chance to be introspective about whether all your needs are being met. You don’t have to get a perfect 10 out of 10 though. Jeff says that as long as your answer is ‘yes’ to seven or more of the questions, your relationship should go the distance.
Here’s Jeff’s make-or-break quiz…. Love reading juicy stories like this? Need some tips for how to spice things up in the bedroom?. Sign up to The Hook-Up and we'll slide into your inbox every week with all the latest sex and dating stories from Metro. We can't wait for you to join us!.
Let’s face it, we all have our quirks but if there’s something that irks you to no end, are you going to be able to put up with it for the next 50 years?. Maybe they chew with their mouth open or maybe they never clean the house – either way, you’re in for a lifetime of it.