People just learning why washing machine cycles always take longer than they say
Many of us believe we've got a good handle on time, until we're waiting for our washing machine to finish its cycle. It's a well-known fact that the time given on a washing machine is usually shorter than the duration of the actual cycle. It prompted a puzzled Reddit user to ask: "Explain like I'm five: Why does the last minute on the washing machine always take several minutes?.
"I put on a wash, and it says 40 minutes to go. I come back in about that time, and see there is 1 minute remaining so I stick around to transfer the clothes to the dryer or rack. "Several minutes later, there is still 1 minute remaining. Why does the machine lose sense of time in the last minute?".
According to Home and Gardens, there are a number of reasons why this might be. H2O Plumbing's appliance connoisseur Rich Mullins said it's mostly down to modern washing machines which are able to tweak the length of cycle based on the fabric, soil level, and detergents.
He explained: "Factors like the size of the load, the type of fabric, water temperature, and the level of soil on the clothes can significantly extend the cycle duration. This results in a 'lie'. "These adjustments are made for optimal cleaning and care for the fabric, even if that means more time is tacked onto your washing. For instance, if the machine senses a hefty load, it may lengthen agitation or rinsing durations for thorough cleaning.".
Modern washing machines might also tack on extra minutes to your laundry cycle to ensure all the detergent is rinsed out. Mullins suggests mentally adding five to 10 minutes to each load, as there's not much you can do to guarantee a 30-minute wash will stick to time.